Sunday, March 24, 2013

App Engine Channel API and Angular JS

I've been using Google App Engine for a while now, and it is hard to go back to traditional java webapp development given how easy it is to deploy a demo version for a customer, and how great some of the tools provided in the App Engine SDK are.

Among those tools is the Channel API. It offers push messaging with only a few lines of code. There are some drawbacks (mainly regarding the reliability of the communications) but it still is a great tool to provide real-time notifications to the user.

A also recently discovered Angular JS. A great Javascript MVP framework (also by Google, it turns out). If you don't know it already, have a look at their web site. The web-binding part is quite amazing.

Now, I read Angular JS provides some support for Comet notifications, but nothing for the Channel API. On a project I'm developping on my spare time there's this need to send chat messages to various users.

Here's how I did it with AngularJS and the Channel API :
  • Create an AngularJS service to hold the list of the chats. This is not required but it is the recommended way to share an observable array (which means with two-way data binding) between controllers.
  • Initiate  the Channel API inside that service. Now there's the trick : for the modifications to the observable array to be pushed to the controllers, we need to use the $rootScope method.
So here's how the service looks ( the chat repository which receives the chats from the Channel API is AllChats):

angular.module('hatChatServices', ['ngResource'])
 .factory('Chat', function($resource){
   return $resource('chats/:chatId', {}, {
     query: {method:'GET', params:{chatId:'latest'}, isArray:true},
 .factory('AllChats', function($rootScope,Chat){
  var chatsList = Chat.query();
  var unreadChats = {
   "PENDING" : 0,
   "APPROVED" : 0,
   "ANSWERED" : 0

     //that's where we connect
    var socket = new SocketHandler();
     $rootScope.$apply(function () {
      var newChat = new Chat(data);
       angular.copy(removeChatIfAlreadyExists(newChat, chatsList), chatsList);

    return {
     list : chatsList,
     unreadChats : unreadChats

function removeChatIfAlreadyExists(chat, array){
  var result = array.filter(function(potentialMatch){
    return !=;

  return result;

And here's the definition of the SocketHandler :

var SocketHandler = function(){
 this.messageCallback = function(){};

 this.onMessage = function(callback){
  var theCallback = function(message){

  if(this.channelSocket ==undefined){
   this.messageCallback = theCallback;
   this.channelSocket.onmessage = theCallback;

 var context = this;
 this.socketCreationCallback = function(channelData){
        var channel = new goog.appengine.Channel(channelData.channelToken);
        context.channelId = channelData.channelId;
        var socket =;
        socket.onerror = function(){
            console.log("Channel error");
        socket.onclose = function(){
            console.log("Channel closed, reopening");
            //We reopen the channel
            context.messageCallback = context.channelSocket.onmessage;
            context.channelSocket = undefined;
        context.channelSocket = socket;
        console.log("Channel info received");
        context.channelSocket.onmessage = context.messageCallback;


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